Excellence: the family’s brand name

Arnaldo Caprai: The history of a family and its entrepreneurial culture.

The world of Caprai
Passion for work, entrepreneurial ability, and a strong focus on excellence are at the heart of the success of Arnaldo Caprai and the Group he founded. Satisfaction with this success also comes from the fact that Arnaldo Caprai has been able to transmit his entrepreneurial culture and fundamental values to his three children, Marco, Luca and Arianna. With them and his wife Fiorella, he continues to expand the Group’s production operations, with an unflagging sense of duty and passionate dedication. The synthesis of their energies can be felt in the harmonious and positive management of different activities sharing in the same vision. Alongside Arnaldo Caprai Gruppo Tessile (www.caprai.it;www.museocaprai.it) there is also Arnaldo Caprai Società Agricola srl (www.arnaldocaprai.it) and Maglital srl (www.cruciani.net).

Arnaldo Caprai is also a 50% partner in other companies which, together with the Caprai family Group, form a complete textile chain employing, directly and indirectly, around 500 people overall.The fascinating history of the Arnaldo Caprai Textile Group began in 1955, when Arnaldo Caprai embarked, with passion and talent, on a career as a trousseau and household linen sales representative in central Italy. A job which may look simple but is actually very demanding, especially if carried on with autonomy and spirit of enterprise, qualities which, over the years, made Arnaldo Caprai so successful he was able to consolidate and enlarge his business.

1970 saw the first major step forward for Arnaldo Caprai’s business, the planning and implementation of his own integrated textiles capability, in which the entire production process could be developed within the Group’s companies. He thus began to produce precious and elegant home décor items.

In 1971 Arnaldo Caprai realized another of his dreams by acquiring the Val di Maggio estate, just five hectares of land that were to give rise to a great winery based on local grape varieties and Sagrantino.

In 1988 his son Marco took over the winery with the passion and determination needed to carry forward highly successful production of an excellent wine.

At the same time, the entrepreneur started to show great interest in lacework, a passion that led him to collect the first pieces of the future museum, but also to understand that high quality lace could become the key to the success of the firm. This strategy translated into major technological investments and the opening of the Foligno plant in 1979 to consolidate the Group’s production capability.

The market’s enthusiastic response to an offering in line with the tastes of an increasingly demanding clientele led the company to expand its product range, concentrate on details and continue to raise quality levels. In 1984 it opened a plant in Termoli to increase production capacity and expand its business beyond the confines of Umbria.

But the Company’s dynamic spirit and thirst for growth did not stop here: over the years it continued to invest, always ahead of the market, in technological innovation to raise production standards and adapt to new demand.
In the meantime, the Museum continued to acquire items for its collection, which at the turn of the new millennium topped 20,000 objects and was judged "the most important private collection of textile arts in the world” (Doretta Davanzo Poli, teacher and historian of costume at Università Cà Foscari, Venice).

In 1992, his son Luca created Cruciani, a new international knitwear brand which in 2011 was to create the world famous bracelets that immediately became fashionable with celebrities and received exceptional coverage in the international press.

Given the impossibility of finding a suitable facility for the collection, it was decided in 2007 to “open up its doors” to the whole world by creating the first "Virtual Museum of Textile Arts", to be visited, like a physical museum, at the website www.museocaprai.it.
Such milestones and successes have been achieved thanks in part to the experts with whom Arnaldo Caprai has surrounded himself in these 55 years of business. Convinced that "people are the only way to win", he actively engages with his teams everyday to involve them, with his charisma, enthusiasm and respectfulness, in the unending challenges thrown up by the market.

Love of the past goes hand in hand with a constant focus on the future. The advent of the social networks and new technologies provided a new way to disseminate the knowledge of and taste for beauty that have always characterized Arnaldo Caprai Gruppo Tessile. It was Arianna Caprai who gave new impetus to the all the brand’s digital activities, by constantly monitoring new tendencies to be able to provide clients with fashionable products, but not forgetting the invaluable historical and cultural heritage and all the irreplaceable experience accumulated by a company on the eve of its 60th anniversary.

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